Name of Bank: National Bank of Greece
Address of Bank: Karagiorgi Servias 6, Athens 10562 Greece
Bank Phone Number: +30 210 3340311
Name (exactly as it is) on the Account: Eurorelief Hellas
IBAN (Bank Account Number): GR70 0110 1040 0000 1040 0228 614 or
Account Number (use only if IBAN not accepted): 104-002286-14
Postal address: EuroRelief Hellas, Lydias 12, 11527 Athens, Greece
Please send an email to finance @ with the following information on the day the wire transfer is submitted:
1. Your name
2. Your address
3. Date submitted at your bank
4. Amount in your currency (if not Euros)
5. Amount in Euros (if known)
6. Explanation of how funds are to be applied using the keywords “Moria Academy”